Hi I'm Liric lead at Kr8tives United Co. We are not a design agency, we are a collective of creatives, using our skills and knowledge to help others take their business to new levels.
We have partnered... with more than 50 businesses from all stages; start up, rebranding and in between. Working in industries like Restaurants, Bloggers, clothing designers, Retail store, Authors, Chefs, Schools, Medical practices, shipping companies, Motivational Speakers and more.
We've created websites, apps, logos, print work, stickers, product labels, clothing lines brands, and more.
We would be happy to work on your project, no matter what you're looking for the KU is ready to create for you.
Работает в:
Развитие брендаОбработка фотографийМиграция сайтаМобильный сайтДизайн классического сайтаПиксель FacebookДизайн продвинутого сайтаGoogle AnalyticsКонсультация по сайтуОбновление сайтаМаркетинг-рассылкаУстановка приложенийНастройка магазинаПодключение доменаВизуальный контентСайт для интернет-магазина
Избранные проекты (20)
Услуги и цены
Веб-дизайн (6)
Небольшие задачи (8)
Интернет-магазин (2)
Маркетинг и продвижение (1)
Графический дизайн (3)
Дизайн классического сайта
Базовый сайт с темой.
От1 750 $
Дизайн продвинутого сайта
Сайт с индивидуальным визуальным решением и сложным функционалом.
От2 500 $
Редизайн сайта
Новая тема и дизайн существующего сайта.
От750 $
Миграция сайта
Перенос текущего дизайна и контента на новый сайт Wix.
От950 $
Мобильный сайт
Сайт, оптимизированный для мобильных устройств.
От750 $
Мобильное приложение
Создание приложений в фирменном стиле, которые синхронизируются с сайтом Wix.
Absolutely exactly what we needed wonderful customer service. She had our website up within three days. We are super excited for our family reunion as well as potentially using the website as a family... registration. Thank you so much to liric.
Оказанная услуга: Дизайн классического сайта
Ответ Wix Профи
You are absolutely more than welcome. Thank you so much for trusting me with your family reunion site. We are super excited to add it to our portfolio and we look forward to working with you in the future....
Liric did a great job in updating my artist website. She was diligent in her effort, asking pertinent questions as she progressed, and when finished, gave me comprehensive instructions as to how to update... and change my site in the future. I highly recommend her!
She is awesome, And I really like the work she has done. I really appreciate how patient she was with me!...
Оказанная услуга: Редизайн сайта
Ответ Wix Профи
Thank you so much! I look forward to watching your business grow and it was a pleasure working with you. Keep documenting those amazing renovations and builds! We wish you much success!...