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Prompt : Email Popup & Upsell
Разработано OnVoard
14 дней бесплатно

Prompt : Email Popup & Upsell

Разработано OnVoard
Use popups to capture email and upsell
4.1 (7)
14 дней бесплатно

Prompt : Email Popup & Upsell

    Email Popup - Welcome new users with discount code for first purchase.
    Cart upsell - Recommend products when user add cart item.
    Initiate Checkout - Cross sell products when user initiate checkout.
    Abandonment Protector - Use exit popup when a user with cart items tries to exit. Offer them discount or free shipping.
Why choose Prompt? Most pop-up vendors are obsolete. They think of pop-ups only as a medium to collect leads. With Prompt, we are pushing the limits of what you can accomplish with popups by going beyond email capture and helping you to increase store revenue with cart upsell. - Add Cart Item (Trigger) - When a user adds an item to the cart, display product recommendations to upsell. - Initiate Checkout (Trigger) - When a user clicks on the checkout button, show them lightbox with product recommendations to increase average order value. Key Features - Powerful editor to fully customize pop-ups. - Predefined templates. - Product recommendations to upsell and cross-sell with pop-ups. - Filter by contact properties. For example, winback customers by showing discount codes to logged-in users who've not placed any order within the last 90 days. - Filter by Wix store properties. For example, prompt user with an upsell pop-up if their cart amount is below $100. - Generate less annoying pop-ups by showing to users who've not seen any pop-ups within the last X mins. - Launcher to capture user attention and create less intrusive prompts. - Trigger popup via link click.
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Для этого приложения доступен бесплатный пробный период 14 дн.
Сравнить планы
План Basic


Up to 5,000 popup views per month.
План Essential


Up to 20,000 popup views per month.
План Pro


Up to 100,000 popup views per month.
План Enterprise


Unlimited popup views
Access to all features with no limits.
Сравнить планы* Цена указана в USD, счет выставлен компанией «OnVoard». Цена на странице оплаты может отличаться из-за изменений валютного курса.

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