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Monetize your content and boost conversions
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Обзор Paywall

Access control based on membership and plan subscription
Customizable CTA button
Add unlimited paywall widgets
Resize and design paywall widgets
Paywall is a versatile app designed to enhance monetization strategies for website owners and content creators. This powerful tool allows you to add a customizable paywall to your site, enabling you to tailor the appearance and design to match your brand seamlessly. With Paywall, you can program the call-to-action (CTA) button according to your marketing needs and set access permissions based on different criteria: admin-only, all members, or specific pricing plans. A unique feature of Paywall is its ability to restrict access to only parts of a webpage or content, offering flexibility that doesn't require blocking access to an entire page. This partial content gating allows for a more nuanced approach to content monetization, providing exclusive content to specific viewers without alienating the rest of your audience. By setting permissions, you ensure that only those who meet your specified conditions can view the content behind the paywall, thereby optimizing your website’s conversions and revenue streams. Paywall is the ideal solution for turning your valuable content into a lucrative asset, all while maintaining precise control over who sees what and when.
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План Basic


Choose between widgets and popup
Limit access to members only
Unlimited widgets
План Pro


Permissions By Plan Subscriptions
Monetize Your Paywall
Require Plan to Remove Paywall
* Цена указана в USD.

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