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FlipView: Before & After Slider

Easily compare before & after images with style
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14 дн. бесплатно

Обзор FlipView: Before & After Slider

Add customizable labels to each image for clear comparisons
Upload your own custom icons for the handle button to perfectly match your design
Enjoy seamless transitions with customizable animation effects
Optimize your slider for any mobile device with intuitive controls
FlipView: Before & After Slider is the ultimate tool to showcase transformations, comparisons, or progress over time. Whether you’re highlighting a product upgrade, home renovation, or creative design, FlipView makes it easy and visually stunning. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, you can add labels to images, choose from a variety of handle icons, apply smooth animations, and fine-tune settings for mobile devices. Perfect for professionals in photography, design, fitness, or any industry that thrives on visual storytelling. Try FlipView today and captivate your audience with every slide.
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Для этого приложения доступен бесплатный пробный период 14 дн.
План FlipView Plan


Customizable handle design
Add and style labels
Enable smooth animations
Customizable mobile section
* Цена указана в USD.

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