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eCom Counter
7 дн. бесплатно
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eCom Counter

Instil trust by displaying Store Statistics
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7 дн. бесплатно

Обзор eCom Counter

Engage customers with real-time product, brand counts. "eCom Counter" dynamically updates a formatted text, fostering trust by showcasing your store's live statistics.
Tailor the message to fit your brand. Easily insert placeholders like {products_nr} and/or {brands_nr} in a user-friendly format, creating a personalized and trustworthy customer experience.
Keep information current effortlessly. The app ensures that your displayed data is always up-to-date, automatically refreshing the placeholders to reflect the latest product and brand numbers.
Simplify content creation with 21 ready-to-use text templates. "eCom Counter" offers a variety of pre-designed messages, allowing site owners to effortlessly choose and showcase engaging content that resonates with their audience.
eCom Counter is designed to boost customer trust and interaction. With dynamic, real-time statistics, your site becomes a beacon of transparency, showcasing live product and brand counts. Bring your store's success to the forefront. The app ensures that visitors stay informed with continuously updated stats, establishing trust through real-time insights. Tailor your message to fit your brand with ease. Use placeholders like {products_nr} and/or {brands_nr} in a format that integrates naturally with your site, creating a personalized and reliable customer experience. Bid farewell to outdated information. It automatically refreshes displayed data, guaranteeing your customers always have the latest information on your growing product range and expanding brand portfolio. Fuel your creativity with 21 professionally crafted text templates. Whether you're highlighting brand milestones, product diversity, or customer satisfaction, the app simplifies content creation with ready-to-use templates for a compelling and engaging customer experience. For maximum effect add the Counter on your Homepage, Product Page or Footer.
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Для этого приложения доступен бесплатный пробный период 7 дн.
План Premium


Instil Trust by Displaying Your Stats
Show Number of Products Available
Show Number of Brands / Customers
21 Text Templates Available
* Цена указана в USD.

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