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SMS: Start Chat Button

Connect instantly with SMS on any device
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Обзор SMS: Start Chat Button

Customizable Design: Offer 10+ styles with 100+ design combinations through no-code configuration. This allows users to tailor the button and popup to match their brand and website aesthetic
Multi-Platform Compatibility: Works seamlessly on both mobile and desktop, automatically opening the SMS chat in the user's preferred method (app or web)
Pre-filled Messages: Set up default messages that appear within the chat window as soon as it opens, saving users time and effort
Multiple Representative Support: Feature multiple team members with individual profiles, contact information, and online/offline status, allowing users to connect with the most relevant representative
Elevate your website's engagement with SMS: Start Chat Button, the customizable chat solution that seamlessly connects visitors to your team. Offer a streamlined chat experience across mobile and desktop with our one-click button and pre-filled messages. Showcase multiple representatives with personalized profiles and online status, and easily match your brand style with 10+ design options. Convert leads, boost sales, and create lasting connections – all within the familiar world of SMS.
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План Стартер


Нет значка «Powered By»
Все стили, эффекты и варианты дизайна
Настраиваемое положение и профиль
План Pro


Access to advanced profile management
All styles, effects, and design option
Priority support
* Цена указана в USD.

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