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Website Testing

Test your website on various browsers & devices
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Обзор Website Testing

Test your website on multiple browsers
See your website in various screen resolutions
Mobile testing of your website on physical iOS and Android devices
Interactive testing of your website on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera
The website testing app allows you to test your website on a variety of remote browsers, running in the cloud. Test your website on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera on various operating systems such as Windows, Linux and macOS. Interactively test your website on physical iOS and Android devices, to make sure your website looks perfect on various screen resolutions. Choose from several geographical locations to test your website.
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План Basic


Test on popular browsers & devices
Up to 5 minutes of testing per browser
Test from various countries
Test on physical devices
План Unlimited


Test on all browsers & devices
No time limit
Test on physical mobile devices
Screenshots + Live Testing of websites
* Цена указана в USD.

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