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Velocity - Bulk Edit Products

Bulk Edit 100s of Products and Prices in Seconds
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Обзор Velocity - Bulk Edit Products

Price Variants Editor: If you have 2 products but 1440 product price variants, this is the tool for you to set all your prices within minutes, not days, or months
Live Preview: See the final price of your product given the selected options instantly in the app, from the perspective of your store visitors
Effortless Bulk Editing and Variant Media Management: Easily add and manage product photos, including assigning main media and images for different variants with unmatched speed
Sales Event Tracker: Keep track of sales events like Prime Day, Singles Day, and more. Never miss a sales campaign again
If you have hundreds of products each having Small, Medium, Large option that require different prices, or if you have more than one option (Size, Color, Material), your product variants can quickly add up to the hundreds. Editing prices manually for each of them can take you hours, if not days. Use Velocity to accomplish that within seconds. With Live Preview feature, you can see instantly the final price of a product given the chosen product options, so you no longer have to go back and forth your store and the Dashboard to check how your prices look like from the point of view of your visitors. With lightning-fast bulk editing, you can efficiently manage and update numerous product variants. This feature saves you countless hours and ensures your store operates at peak performance. Our effortless media management feature allows you to easily add and manage product photos, even for different variants. Assign product cover images and images to specific product options without hassle, ensuring your listings are always visually appealing for your customers. Experience the power and speed of Velocity today.
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План Basic


World Sales Event Tracker
Event Countdown - Never Miss a Sales
Store Health Checker/Scorer
Store Metrics Analysis
План Full Access


All Benefits in Basic
Product Bulk Editor
Product Variant Pricing
24/7 Support
* Цена указана в USD.

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