Подходит для:
Общественные центры, фитнес-клубы и спа
Создание сайта не всегда легкий процесс. Но мы постарались сделать его настолько простым, насколько это возможно. Просто добавьте свои изображения, настройте информацию и разрешите своим посетителям забронировать сеанс онлайн, используя Wix Bookings.
Подходит для:
Orchards, community gardens and agro-tourism businesses
You spend a lot of time and effort growing your business, that's why this easy-to-edit template is the perfect starting point in promoting your enterprise online. Quickly set up your Wix Bookings to let visitors easily register for your unique activities and events, and sync your Instagram account to grab the attention of kids and parents alike.
Подходит для:
Parent associations, educational organizations and community groups
Give your group's impact a boost with this efficient and community-inspired template. Designed as an online hub of information and engagement, this site has everything you need: a calendar for sharing upcoming events, a forum to promote interactions between members, customizable forms to register new participants, and much more.
Подходит для:
Group retreats, wellness communities and mindfulness events
You offer unique experiences and opportunities for attendees to enjoy, and this balanced template reflects the natural and authentic feel of your events. Share information, raise awareness, and allow users to easily apply/register. You can even showcase testimonials and images from past participants. It all begins with a click.
Подходит для:
Parents, doulas and life coaches
Life is full of challenges. That’s why it’s important to pool your resources with others who understand your struggle, and be part of a supportive community to help you every step of the way. With this engaging and friendly template, your site can become the go-to source of advice, information and trends for your members. Click ‘Edit’ to get the conversation going today!
Подходит для:
Online teaching, virtual schools and digital learning platforms
This template is like a colorful and inviting digital bulletin board, bringing the fun to online learning. Add your latest schedules and useful links, upload assignments with the easy-to-use file sharing tool, and start a Wix Blog to share the latest news and updates all in one place. Getting going is easy — just click “Edit” to begin!
Подходит для:
Рестораны, кейтеринг и частные шеф-повара
Создайте сайт в шаблоне с классическим и располагающим дизайном, который смотрится так же свежо, элегантно и профессионально, как то, что вы делаете. Поделитесь своей уникальной историей, добавьте ссылки на соцсети и контактную информацию и покажите свои творения во всей красе c помощью Wix Меню. Предложите несколько вариантов доставки и возможность бронировать столики, чтобы привлечь дополнительный трафик на сайт и получить новых клиентов. С этим шаблоном возможно всё. Нажмите «Редактировать», чтобы начать.
Подходит для:
Travel blogs, passion projects and personal sites
You're about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, and this template is perfect for your collection of keepsakes and memories. Whether you're keeping a blog or creating a photo collection on Instagram, you can easily adapt the site to fit your needs. Don't forget to add details about yourself and your work availability before going live!
Подходит для:
Podcasters, journalists and media influencers
A feast for the senses that’s sure to whet the appetite of your listeners. This trendy and fun template comes with a built-in Podcast app, making it easy to find and listen to episodes. The Wix Blog and Instagram feed are great ways to add additional content that will entice new subscribers and indulge dedicated followers. Click “Edit” to get started — it’s a recipe for success.
Подходит для:
Instructors, tutoring companies and educational programs
Professional, talented, and trustworthy. These are the values that help your business stand out from the competition, and the qualities you'll convey with this website template. Wix Bookings makes it easy to manage your lessons and register clients, while a Wix Blog is perfect for sharing the latest news and engaging your online community.
Подходит для:
Креативные студии, фотографы и художественные галереи
Этот чистый изысканный шаблон отлично подойдет для бизнеса, связанного с творчеством. Нейтральный минималистичный дизайн будет прекрасным фоном для ваших работ, а несколько медиагалерей помогут организовать портфолио. С помощью приложения для онлайн-записи Wix Bookings удобно управлять услугами.
Подходит для:
Farms, community gardens and agricultural businesses
This fun and festive template provides everything you need to promote your business online. Wix Bookings makes it easy to manage your upcoming activities, register guests, and even accept payments—all through your website. Sync your Instagram account to showcase what you have to offer, and get site visitors excited to sign up!